Resources » Off-Campus High School Courses and Chaffey College Dual Enrollment 

Off-Campus High School Courses and Chaffey College Dual Enrollment 


Please watch this informational webinar on the revised guidelines for attending dual enrollment and off-campus high school courses.  




Click this LINK to review the new guidelines and procedures in Administrative Regulation 6210.3, Off Campus and Dual Enrollment Educational Experiences. This language goes into effect beginning in the summer of 2024.




Dual Enrollment (CCAP & Non-CCAP) and High School Partnership-Chaffey College


Students can start their college journey while in high school by attending Chaffey College courses.  This means you are enrolled as BOTH a college student and a high school student at the same time. In partnership with Chaffey College, there are CCAP and Non-CCAP Dual Enrollment Courses. 

CCAP stands for College and Careers Access Pathways Dual Enrollment Courses. These are offered during the school day on our District campuses.

Non-CCAP Dual Enrollment Courses are offered through the HSP and HSPFLEX program and take place either online or in-person outside of the student’s regular school day. See more about the HSP and HSPFLEX programs below. 


Chaffey College HSP & HSPFLEX Dual Enrollment programs:


High School Partnership (HSP)
    • Free tuition, books, and fees
    • Limited course offerings (approximately 30 courses)
    • Asynchronous and online courses
    • Chaffey College registers students for courses after site dual enrollment liaison approval
Dual Enrollment (HSPFLEX)
    • Free tuition, students pay for books and fees
    • More catalog courses offerings on the Chaffey College campus or online
    • Students register for courses on their own after site dual enrollment liaison approval

For both options, students will complete a Chaffey College enrollment form submitted to their site dual enrollment liaison. 

District Dual Enrollment Counselors

The Chaffey Joint Union High School District now has two District Dual Enrollment Counselors that will be on school sites to provide additional support and assistance for students and families regarding dual enrollment.  They can provide guidance and answer questions on the dual enrollment registration process, the benefits of dual enrollment and how to access Chaffey College resources.  Below you will find the names of our two District Dual Enrollment Counselors and the schools the serve.  Feel free to email them if you have any questions regarding dual enrollment for your student’s site.
  • Colony High School
  • Los Osos High School
  • Montclair High School
  • Rancho Cucamonga High School
  • Alta Loma High School
  • Chaffey High School
  • Etiwanda High School
  • Ontario High School


CJUHSD Site Dual Enrollment Liaisons

Please note that our site dual enrollment liaisons are only responsible for reviewing the enrollment forms to confirm a student’s status as a current CJUHSD student. Their approval of the enrollment form does not register the student for the Chaffey College course, it only validates that they are eligible to take a dual enrollment course. 




Alta Loma High School

Jacy Carbone

Chaffey High School

David Dean

Chaffey District Online High School

Adrienne Pacheco

Colony High School

Jose Rangel 

Etiwanda High School

Cris Parker

Los Osos High School

Kelly Shaw

Montclair High School

Alice Cornejo 

Ontario High School

Tanya Berumen

Rancho Cucamonga High School

Concetta Aguilera 

Valley View High School

Adrienne Pacheco

Students must still follow all Chaffey College procedures to complete registration and enrollment into the Chaffey College Dual Enrollment course. If you have any questions about the Chaffey College Dual Enrollment registration process or need advising on course selection, please see email a District Dual Enrollment Counselor or click on the Chaffey College Dual Enrollment resources below for assistance. 


Benefits of taking Chaffey College Courses

  • Tuition is free.
  • Students can earn high school and college credit at the same time.
  • Honors points are added to a student’s gpa by the UC/CSU when applying.
  • Less time is required after high school to finish a college degree.
  • Taking college courses in high school demonstrates readiness for college curriculum, similar to the Advanced Placement (AP) program.
  • Research shows that dual enrollment students are more likely to graduate from high school and go on to earn a college degree.
  • Grades earned become part of the student’s permanent college transcript.
  • Students may explore fields of study that help them choose a major or career path.
  • Students may choose from classes not currently available at their high school.


Beginning in the summer of 2024

  • CCAP Dual Enrollment Course grades will be weighted and Non-CCAP Dual Enrollment Courses can be weighted if they meet ALL the following criteria:
    • UC or CSU Transferable
    • 3 college units or more
    • Meets A-G Requirements
    • Course is not available on students' high school campus
  • High School Credit Equivalency is as follows:
    • (please note that certain courses may fall outside of these equivalencies).
    • College course 2 units or less = 5 high school credits
    • College course 3 units or more = 10 high school credits


Eligibility and Guidelines


To be eligible for dual enrollment, students must:
  • be in the 9th through 12th grade;
  • enroll in up to 11 units for Fall and Spring and Summer.   
  • Please Note: Students who choose to register for 12 or more units will be responsible for payment of all tuition, books, and fees.   
  • have requested course approved prior to the start of the course to receive credit on their CJUHSD transcript.


    Beginning in the summer of 2024

    • 40 high school equivalent credits (10 per subject/department) from pre-approved courses taken outside of the District can be added to a student’s CJUHSD transcript. However, students CAN TAKE MORE than that amount of dual enrollment courses. Those courses beyond the 40-credit guideline will remain on student’s college transcript and can still be added to the college application when students apply.
    • No courses taken prior to the summer of 2024 will count towards the 40 credit guidelines.
    • Graduation requirement courses must be taken on District campuses. Exceptions, upon principal or administrator designee approval, can only be considered for the following:
      • Remediation Purposes
      • To remain in a career pathway or enrichment program (AVID, Student Leadership, Band, Theatre, Choir, etc.)


Process to request approval to take a course outside the District that will go on your CJUHSD transcript.

Any course taken outside of the District must be approved before the start of that course in order to receive credit on their CJUHSD transcript.

Students must follow the process below when requesting consideration for approval.

Contact school counselor regarding desired course.

    • Fill out and submit approval request form signed by student and parent/guardian.
      • allow 5 business days for a decision by the principal or administrator designee.
    • If approved, register and take the requested course.
      • Let school counselor or administrator know if you drop or do not complete the requested course.
    • Once the course is completed, the student turns in a copy of the official grade/transcript to their schools registrar to be added within the 40 credit guidelines.

Here are the links to the request forms for taking an off-campus high school course our dual enrollment course ONLY IF they will go on your CJUHSD transcript.


Ready to take a Chaffey College Class?  


To get started you need to apply to Chaffey College to receive a Chaffey ID.


Here are some resources to assist students, including information on how to apply to Chaffey College and dates for upcoming information sessions.

Click the Titles Below for More Information: