COVID-19 Information
Dear Chaffey Joint Union High School District (CJUHSD) Community:
COVID-19 has been challenging for our community through the years and guidance is periodically updated. Although the significant effects of COVID-19 are behind us, CJUHSD continues to implement strategies to reduce the spread of infections, including but not limited to, COVID-19, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and norovirus by adhering to applicable local, state, and federal guidelines. Guidance information is readily available at the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites.
The following is intended to assist the community with information regarding COVID-19 (and other respiratory viruses) prevention and protocols:
In accordance with the requirements of California Senate Bill 1479, the CJUHSD has adopted the California State Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 testing framework. The most recent copy of the framework may be viewed on the California Department Public Health website. The District may provide free at-home tests to staff and students upon request.
The District continues to implement health and safety guidelines to help prevent and limit the spread of infections on our campuses and workplaces. Mitigation strategies include:
Cleaning and Disinfecting: Custodial staff continue to implement cleaning and disinfecting procedures and are following related protocols to deep clean, sanitize and disinfect sites as needed.
Face Mask: Face masks can be an effective way to protect oneself and others. No person is prevented from wearing a mask unless wearing a mask would pose a safety hazard. The District continues to provide free access to masks.
Good Hygiene: Adequate supplies such as soap and water, tissues, and hand sanitizer are available to support frequent hand washing and other good hygiene practices.
Symptom Monitoring: Individuals are encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms.
Testing: Free COVID-19 at-home test kits may be available for students and staff.
Vaccination: Vaccinations can help protect against certain diseases by working with the body’s natural defenses to build immunity to disease.
Ventilation: School HVAC systems have been recalibrated to pull in more fresh air and equipped with bipolar ionization generators to purify the air.
January 2024- Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity Plan
COVID-19 Illness Prevention Program Feb 2023 Addendum
Respiratory Virus Guidance
Guide to Respiratory Protection at Work
Proper Wearing of a Particulate Respirator