Goals and Commitments
The Chaffey Joint Union High School District serves the diverse communities of Ontario, Montclair, and Rancho Cucamonga as well as parts of Upland, Fontana, and Mt. Baldy. With nearly 24,000 students attending eight comprehensive high schools, one continuation high school, an online high school, and an adult school, the District's work is driven by a pursuit to fulfill its vision: "All students in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District will graduate ready for college and careers." Stable and visionary leadership from the Board of Trustees and Superintendent guides the District in the pursuit of the vision and goals.
To maximize opportunities for students and staff, the District employs collaborative goal-setting efforts and regularly monitors student achievement data to develop and/or improve the actions and services provided in the CJUHSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The District has established these five strategic goals:
2. CJUHSD will provide comprehensive professional learning opportunities that prioritize cultural proficiency, self-reflection, and innovative research-based instructional practices, utilizing technology and resources to achieve equitable outcomes among all student groups.
3. CJUHSD will provide a safe and caring learning environment that promotes and fosters student engagement, social-emotional well-being, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
4. CJUHSD will maintain effective communication, provide family and community engagement opportunities, and strengthen relationships with all educational partners.
5. CJUHSD will provide fiscal solvency and transparency for all educational partners
The District values its partnerships with the community and believes strongly in the collective power that schools, families, and local partners have in ensuring the lifelong success of every child. Each year it hosts community events at the District Office and on school sites to engage in dialogue and gather input. Families are invited to serve as collaborators in committees and forums which include English Language Advisory Committees at District and site levels (DELAC, ELAC), Parent Teacher and Student Associations (PTSA, PTA), School Site Councils (SSC), Coffee with the Principals, and numerous parent trainings.
Furthermore, the District forges relationships with local colleges, universities, and municipalities to benefit students, families, our schools, and the community. For example, the District has secured memorandums of understanding (MOUs) that provide graduates with guaranteed admission to California State University, San Bernardino; California State University, Bakersfield; California Polytechnic University, Pomona; University of La Verne; University of Redlands; Biola University; Cal Baptist University; Grand Canyon University; and Azusa Pacific University. Furthermore, the District works in cooperation with the cities of Ontario and Montclair on their initiatives -- Ontario Promise Scholars and Montclair Online to College -- that provide admission and free tuition to local community colleges after graduation. These efforts ensure that students have post-secondary opportunities that will provide them with the skills and education necessary to become contributing members of the community. To support this effort, the District provides college and career readiness endeavors that include career interest assessments and programs, access to Baldy View Regional Occupation Programs (ROP), college and career fairs and other events, and curriculum that develops employability, life, and learning skills. In all, these "TCELLs" (technology skills, career exploration, employability skills, life and learning skills) provide students with the foundation needed for post-secondary pursuits.
For further information, contact the Chaffey Joint Union High School District’s Office of Instruction.