Student Services » Community Relations

Community Relations

Nora Hourani-Farraj, Director

Nora Hourani-Farraj

Hello Family and Community Members! Integral to a strong school community is forming and maintaining partnerships with our parents, families, and community members. I have the unique and amazing position of being both your Director of Community Relations and Assistant Principal of Chaffey Adult School. I have the pleasure of connecting parents and engaging them in their children’s schools; while at the same time, helping parents and families further their own personal and academic goals.  Together, we can positively impact student achievement and help meet the district’s vision of “All students will graduate ready for college and careers.”

Our district is committed to providing family engagement opportunities that allow parents to connect with their schools through various meetings. These school meetings include Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC), Coffee with the Principal, and parent workshops, among others.

Please feel free to reach out to me for both parent/community partnerships and training opportunities along with your own career and academic interests by completing this form. Follow me on Instragram @cjuhsd_communityrelations or on X @Academic_Farraj.


Nora Hourani-Farraj, Ed.D
Phone: (909) 983-7102 Ext. 2202
Email: [email protected]


Yulisa Cachu

Community Relations Clerk

Phone: (909) 983-7102 Ext: 2201

Email: [email protected]



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